Going from Print to Digital

Going from Print to Digital

Many associations and nonprofits have arrived at the question: do we go fully digital with our marketing and communications. Maybe your organization runs in person events and meetings, or you want to be more green, or if you’ve had a particularly tight year budget wise, making the leap from print to digital can be a…

Flipping That Classroom

Beginning this week and continuing through October and November, I’m facilitating a nation-wide series of change management master classes for ICT professionals. I’m excited because we’re trying a flipped classroom approach. At the PCMA Education Conference this summer, I attended a seminar that tried this delivery method.  It wasn’t as successful as it could have…

Google+ Hangouts go HD

Today in news from TechCrunch, Google announced that their popular Hangout video conferencing system is going HD. Dave Besbris, Vice President of Engineering, also announced more mobile options, an event planning tool to aid you in your holiday fun,  and a low-bandwidth access option to stream your video. We have four remote staff, and since we’re…


Just as Mashable facebooks me an infographic telling me that the Internet is ruining my brain, I get an article from SmartBrief  saying that student engagement can be increased through the Internet.  Emails from colleagues about the way the social media is ruining our lives, and yet building international revolutions and communities cross paths to my…