Google+ Hangouts go HD

Today in news from TechCrunch, Google announced that their popular Hangout video conferencing system is going HD. Dave Besbris, Vice President of Engineering, also announced more mobile options, an event planning tool to aid you in your holiday fun,  and a low-bandwidth access option to stream your video. We have four remote staff, and since we’re…

Organizational Models

A very smart friend recently sent me a NPR article talking about how bossless offices could be the future. This article continues the conversation about how the flat organizational model is gaining momentum in the tech and nonprofit worlds. The theory is that if the org is completely flat, then no one individual holds the power. The…


I’m an avid YA reader. Maybe I should keep it a dark secret since I’m well past the target age range, but given the popularity of recent series’ like the Hunger Games and Divergent, I feel like I can’t be alone. Also, you can only read so much about emotional intelligence and change management theory…